Open Rockend Cottage at Banjo Paterson Reserve

Locals in Gladesville recently informed me that the City of Ryde Council and new tenants at Rockend Cottage are in dispute.
Locals have been crying out for a new cafe or restaurant to open in this gorgeous building for a long time. Rockend was set to open shortly, but now all that is under a cloud.
Rockend cottage has a long history of being a place where people meet, eat and catch up. We all want our local venues to be active and thriving with vibrant spaces and outdoor seating.
I’ve compiled a petition to demand that the Liberal-run Ryde Council work quickly and reasonably with the new tenant to ensure that locals get what we all want: a vibrant new cafe and restaurant.
Add your name to the petition below to show the City of Ryde that a quick and reasonable solution has community support.