Epping Bridge Project Updates

Stay informed with the latest news and developments on the Epping Bridge Project right here. This page provides ongoing updates to keep you in the loop about important milestones, construction progress, and community impacts. Whether you’re a local resident, commuter, or business owner, this page is your go-to source for community updates.

After securing funding in the October 2022 Budget, by May 2023 I was able to share with you some insights on how it was all going.

Please check out below video, which gives you a bit of a project update. I’ll update this video as more information comes along.

Please scroll down the page for Chronological updates.

December 2024

Early works to relocate the chiller unit attached to the Sydney Metro South Service Building (South Service Building) on High Street, Epping has now been completed.

Relocating the chiller unit, from the northern end of the South Service Building to the southern end of the building, was required to be completed as early works ahead of main works commencement to enable construction of the new, wider bridge.

July 2024


Transport for NSW Media Release

Start of Early Works

The Australian and NSW governments are providing $220 million in funding to replace Epping Bridge to ease congestion, reduce travel times and improve safety for road users.

As notified last month, in order to widen the bridge a chiller unit attached to the northern end of the Sydney Metro South Service Building (South Service Building) on High Street, Epping needs to be relocated to the southern end of the building. This work is required to be completed as early works ahead of main work commencement.

Early works will commence on High Street on Monday 22 July 2024 and take approximately nine months to complete.

Further information on the project location is shown on the page overleaf.

A further community update will be provided in September 2024. 

What work are we doing?

Construction and investigation work activities that will be carried out between Monday 22 July and Monday 30 September 2024 will include:

  • installation of a site compound, including site sheds and fencing
  • locating existing underground services
  • electrical and communications work
  • minor earthworks and piling work
  • concrete and foundation work
  • structural steel installation.

When will we be working?

The work will be carried out during the day between Monday and Friday, 7am to 6pm and Saturday, 8am to 1pm.

Between August and September 2024, additional out of hours work may need to be carried out during planned Sydney Trains and Sydney Metro weekend trackwork:

  • Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 August 2024 and
  • Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September 2024, between 7am and 6pm each day.

Additional out of hours night work may also be required for up to seven nights between:

  • Monday 12 August and Sunday 30 August 2024, between Monday to Friday, 8pm to 5am.


Establishment of site compound

A site compound will be established on Monday 22 July 2024 within the rail corridor and approximately 300 metres south of the South Service Building.

Further information on the site compound can be found on the project webpage.

How will the work affect you? 

Some of the work may be noisy, however, we will make every effort to minimise our impacts by:

  • using quieter equipment where possible
  • turning off equipment and machinery when not in use
  • completing the nosier work before midnight
  • using noise blankets where appropriate
  • monitoring our noise levels.

Traffic changes

There will be temporary traffic changes at times on High Street to make sure the work zone is safe. During these times, a contraflow traffic arrangement and reduced speed limits will be used, which may affect travel times.

Parking changes

From Monday 22 July 2024 until the end of early works, up to eight parking spaces will be used as a laydown area. No additional parking spaces are expected to be required between 22 July and end of September 2024.

Pedestrian changes 

To enable access to the site compound area and construction site, the footpath adjacent to the South Service Building will be closed for the duration of early works. Pedestrians will be detoured to the western footpath.

Traffic controllers will be on site to assist motorists, residents and pedestrians as required. Please keep to speed limits and follow the direction of traffic controllers and signs.

If you have any further questions or concerns about the work or would like to subscribe to the project email distribution list, please contact us via the contact us details provided below.

Transport for NSW thanks the community for their patience while we complete early works.

Location of work area – High Street, Epping


30 May 2024


Transport for NSW Media Release


Early works to begin on Epping Bridge widening

The $220 million upgrade of Epping Bridge is another step closer today with the award of tender for critical early works for this project.

In order to widen Epping Road bridge, a chiller unit attached to the northern end of the Sydney Metro South Service Building on High Street will need to be relocated.

DT Infrastructure Pty Ltd have been awarded the tender to carry out this relocation work under a separate contract to the Epping Bridge Project main works.

The chiller unit provides spot cooling of the Epping Station Sydney Metro platforms but will impact the new widened bridge in its current location, so it will be relocated to the southern end of the South Service Building.

Mechanical, electrical, communications and hydraulic services will be adjusted and reconnected at the new location.

The proposed new bridge will allow for an additional westbound lane and right turn lane southbound onto Blaxland Road, and a raised central median strip to improve traffic flow and safety.

The upgrade will also involve widening the eastbound and westbound lanes, and installing a new pedestrian and bicycle shared path, as well as new safety screens on the bridge.

The Epping Bridge upgrade will complement road and intersection upgrades completed by Transport for NSW in 2018 to alleviate traffic congestion in the Epping town centre.

The completed 2018 upgrades and planned upgrade to the bridge support the wider Epping Town Centre Urban Activation Plan and continuing growth in communities around this key urban precinct. 

Transport for NSW will keep stakeholders informed as the project progresses.

The Epping Bridge Project is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments, with $220 million in funding provided to complete the project.

Minister for Roads John Graham said:

 “Epping Road is an important access road linking communities in Sydney’s north-west to North Ryde and Macquarie Park, and onwards to the CBD.

“These early works are the first step toward widening Epping Bridge, which will ease congestion at a major local choke point.”

“This upgrade will help cater to Epping’s growing population, and alongside the wider Epping Town Centre Urban Activation Plan, it’s ensuring the roads and infrastructure are there to meet growing demand.”

Member for Bennelong Jerome Laxale said:

“This has been a project that has been talked about for decades, I was elected with a commitment to deliver this project and I’m happy to be working alongside the NSW Government to do so.

“An updated Epping Bridge will benefit local motorists, pedestrians and cyclists and is essential for the road network in the Epping town centre. 

“This is going to be a long and complex project but this first step in the right direction is an exciting one.”

29 May 2024

BREAKING: Work to start on the Epping Bridge Project!

Today, I’m so proud to announce that the stage 1 tender has been signed, sealed and delivered‼️

Works will soon begin to move the cooling towers to make way for the road expansion.

We’re one step closer to an upgraded Epping Bridge!

Understandably, many of you doubted me on delivering this. It has been promised over and over. But those who know me, know that when I make a promise, I deliver.

There’s so much more to do on this super complex and super lengthy project. Keep an eye on my socials for updates.

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21 August 2023

Email sent to Local Constituents

Next week, the Epping Bridge Project Survey Work continues. This reflects the upgrade to improve and alleviate traffic congestion in the area.

What is happening?
Between Monday 21 August and Friday 8 September 2023, non-noisy surveying works will be undertaken around Epping Station.

This includes surveying along Beecroft Road, Blaxland Road, Epping Road, High Street, Langston Place, Bridge Street and Pembroke Street. Surveying will occur on footpaths and on the road. For further information on the location, please refer to the map at the end of the email.

Day work will be carried out between Monday and Friday, 7am and 3:30pm, weather permitting.

Night time work will be carried out between Monday and Sunday, 9pm and 5am the next morning, weather permitting. Work will not occur on Friday or Saturday nights.

While work will occur during the day and night, work will not be carried out during the day and night in the same road or street area, on the same day, to lessen the impact to the local community. 

What work is being performed? 

The work will involve carrying out surveying activities, including: 

  • Establishing a temporary work site.
  • Carrying out preliminary road investigation survey work using light scanning equipment.


What will this mean for you? 

  • Workers in high visibility clothing and vehicles.  
  • Temporary changes to traffic, cycling and pedestrian access, including lane closures.
  • Traffic controls and temporarily reduced speed limit to 40km/hour.

01 August 2023

Email sent to Local Constituents

Shortly, the Epping Bridge Project Investigation Work is finally beginning. This reflects the contract awarded to Mott MacDonald Australia to develop the concept design, prepare the Review of Environmental Factors, manage early investigation work and provide technical advice for the project.

What is happening in August?
Between 5 August and 6 August, investigation works will be carried out around Epping Station. This will include work within the rail corridor, and along High Street, Bridge Street, Pembroke Road, Blaxland Road and Beecroft Rd.

On Saturday the 5 August the work hours will be between 7am and 4:30pm and on Sunday 6 August, between 8am and 4pm – weather permitting.

What work is being performed? 

The work will involve carrying out investigation activities, including: 

  • Establishing a temporary work site
  • Locating existing underground services
  • Using machinery to cut in and dig into the rail embankment.

What will this mean for you?

Heavy machinery will operate within the work area and while works are carried out. 

You may notice: 

  • Workers and vehicles
  • Temporary footpath closures, with pedestrian detours
  • Nose from machinery and equipment such as sucker trucks.


Temporary changes on High Street, Epping 
Up to 12 parking spaces will be temporarily unavailable on High Street while the works are completed. Pedestrian detours will be in place. 

Location of temporary parking impacts and pedestrian detour 

27 April 2023


Epping bridge project concept design and early work tender awarded


The Hon Catherine King MP
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government

The Hon Jo Haylen MP
NSW Minister for Transport

The Hon John Graham MP
NSW Minister for Roads

Jerome Laxale MP
Member for Bennelong

The $220 million upgrade of Epping Bridge is another step closer today with the tender awarded for key early delivery activities on the project.

The project is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments – each committing $110 million – to ease congestion, reduce travel times and improve safety for all road users.

The proposed new bridge will allow for an additional westbound lane and right turn lane southbound onto Blaxland Road to improve traffic flow and safety.

There will also be widening to the eastbound and westbound lanes as well as the pedestrian and bicycle shared path. New safety screens will be installed on the bridge.

The project complements the road and intersection upgrades completed by Transport for New South Wales in 2018 to alleviate traffic congestion in the Epping town centre.  

For further information on the project visit www.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects/current-projects/epping-bridge-project.

Quotes attributable to Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King:

“The new bridge will cater for future traffic growth while easing existing traffic congestion experienced in the area by motorists.

“The Australian Government is pleased to be teaming up with the New South Wales Government to deliver this project, which addresses a well-known traffic bottleneck and ensures safety for motorists and pedestrians into the future.”

Quotes attributable to NSW Transport Minister Jo Haylen:

“Epping is going to grow by at least 25 per cent over the next 20 years, and we’ve already seen increases in the population and new homes over the past five years.

“Epping Bridge spans the Northern Railway line, connecting to Beecroft Road and Carlingford Road. But this isn’t just a road upgrade, it’s about maintaining our rail infrastructure and supporting growing the communities in our suburbs.”

Quotes attributable to NSW Roads Minister John Graham:

“Key benefits of this project include increasing road capacity with wider lanes while delivering a new central median, wider footpath and new safety screens.

“This upgrade will improve access, enhance transport links and reduce maintenance costs as part of the wider Epping Town Centre Urban Activation Plan.”

Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Bennelong Jerome Laxale:

“I am so pleased to be part of a government that is acting on this project.

“Any local resident that has traversed the Epping Bridge in either the AM or PM peak periods is well aware of the need to increase the road capacity at this vital pinch point.”

26 April 2023

You might recall that during my election campaign, I committed to the upgrade of Epping Bridge.

Well today, after 12 years of unfulfilled promises by former Governments, I was delighted to join Jo Haylen and Catherine King to announce that the contract to start design work has been awarded. That means community consultation is just around the corner, with construction expected to begin in 2025.

This $220 million project will help to ease traffic congestion, reduce travel times, and enhance safety for all road users.

We’re thrilled to be making progress towards fixing this important bottleneck. Stay tuned for more updates!

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